
If you have a current account, please login prior to proceeding

Please Select A Sponsorship Opportunity

 Education Conference 2023

These are the sponsorship levels for the 2023 "COMM-UNITY" Educational Conference. Any questions regarding sponsorships or exhibiting can go to Kevin Evans, Associate Director, kevans@ita-in.org

 Member Center Mobile App Sponsorship

The Indiana Township Association now has a FULL YEAR ROUND mobile app. This app will have a banner ad and you can get that sponsorship right here! Please load your mobile app banner ad directly into our system. Any questions can be directed to Kevin Evans, Associate Director, kevans@ita-in.org. Your sponsorship will last for 4 months from the date of purchase. 

Please Select A Banner Ad Type

Homepage Ad - $1,000.00

This is six month banner ad on our website that your business can use to promote your organization and/or services.